About TFKable Group
- TELE-FONIKA Kable - Poland
- Copper Cable Company - Great Britain
- TELE-FONIKA Kable - Germany
- TELE-FONIKA Cable Americas Ltd - USA
- TELE-FONIKA Baltic - Lithuania
- Krakow - Wielicka Plant - Poland
- Bydgoszcz Plant - Poland
- Krakow - Biezanow Plant - Poland
- Myslenice Plant - Poland
- Zajecar Plant - Serbia
- Bukowno Plant - Poland
JDR Cable Systems (Holdings) Ltd.
- JDR Cable Systems
TELE-FONIKA Kable Group was established as a result of the consolidation of several plants of the cable industry operating in Poland: established in 1992 in Myślenice TELE-FONIKA Kable, Krakowska Fabryka Kabli and Bydgoska Fabryka Kabli, as well as two abroad plants. The present position of the company is the result of dynamic development achieved due to the implemented investment projects, including the construction of a new plant in Kraków-Bieżanów and modernization of the plant in Bydgoszcz.
All manufacturing facilities are ISO 9001, ISO 2000 and ISO 14001 certified. All products are manufactured to global standards including ICEA, IEEE, NEMA and ASTM. TF KABLE has over 400 individual product certifications issued by more than 30 governing agencies including UL, CSA, MSHA.
TF KABLE is a leading manufacturer of Medium and High Voltage Cables, Bare Overhead Conductor, Building Wire, Portable Power Cables, Telecommunication and Electronic Cables.
- Copper Cable Company Ltd.
- JDR Cable Systems Ltd.
- TELE-FONIKA Kable Central Europe GmbH
- TF Cable Americas